UIKTEN is a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals and has supported academic communities since 2011.
UIKTEN is a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals and has supported academic communities since 2011.
TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics
Is a an Open Access, Double-blind peer reviewed journal that publishes articles of interdisciplinary sciences:
TEM Journal is indexed or covered in the following:
SAR Journal - Science and Research is a multidisciplinary, fully Open Access, Double-blind peer reviewed journal, covering all aspect of science research.
Publishing in SAR Journal is free of charge (no APC).
SAR Journal uses CC BY-NC licence and fulfils other OA standards to be eligible for the DOAJ Seal.
ISSN : 2619-9955 (Print)
eISSN : 2619-9963 (Online)
SAR Journal is indexed or covered in the following: